'Gramin Suvidha Kendra': MCX's Corporate Social Opportunity Approach to Inclusive Growth
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ExcerptsBackground NoteMCX, headquartered in Mumbai, was founded by Jignesh Shah as a subsidiary of the Financial Technologies (India) Limited-one of the world's leading companies offering technology Intellectual Property and domain expertise to create and trade on financial markets... The Problem and the Opportunity
GSK Operating Model and ServicesGSK operated on a 'spokes and hub' model that leveraged on the existing multi-tiered structure of India Post. In this structure, head post offices (HOs) existed at the city level, sub-post offices (SOs) at the taluka (sub-city) level, and branch-post offices (BOs) at the village level. Postal bags were exchanged on a daily basis between BOs and SOs... The Relationship with India PostMCX and India Post mutually decided on the details of the post offices selected for launching GSK. MCX entered into an MoU with each State Postal department wherein MCX was entitled to the use of the premises or a portion of the premises in each of the post offices...
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